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An Act to Expand the Bottle Bill

Hi everyone,

As you may know, Massachusetts’ Bottle Bill has not been updated since it was passed into law in 1983. The Bottle Bill expansion, or An Act to Expand the Bottle Bill, would increase the fee from 5 cents a container to 10 cents. It would also expand the types of beverage containers collected at redemption centers.

This bill is currently in the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy (TUE).

Many members of the TUE committee have signed on to the Bottle Bill expansion and shown support. Senator Mike Barrett, the Chair of the TUE Committee, and Representative Jeffrey Roy, the Vice-Chair, have not yet signed on to the bill. We know they are leaders who care about the environment, and we want them to know Massachusetts residents care about reducing waste and want a modernized Bottle Bill.

The Committee needs to report out on bills by February 2nd, 2022. We want a favorable report on the Bottle Bill expansion out of the committee!

Therefore, we invite you to join us in contacting Senator Mike Barrett and Representative Jeffrey Roy and let them know you want a modernized Bottle Bill in the Commonwealth! At CLF, we’ve put together a Bottle Bill toolkit full of templates to call, email, Tweet to Senator Barrett, and Representative Roy. We’ve included factsheets about the Bottle Bill and a holiday card you send via traditional mail or email or post to your social media pages.

Please share this toolkit with your networks! Invite your neighbors, family, and friends to send a holiday card to Senator Barrett and Representative Roy. We need all hands-on deck to move Massachusetts towards zero waste communities and a modernized Bottle Bill is a step in the right direction.

Thank you!

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Jun 21, 2022

If Mass. wants to expand the Bottle Bill they need to have more redemption centers that will take ALL containers with deposits. Stores will only take back what they sell and sometimes they won't even do that. I know a lot of people who just put the containers in with the recycling and forfeit the deposit because it is easier. The State likes that because they get to keep the deposit money.

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